1) The Godfather(s)

So this fancy new list book thing I have set number 1 as The Godfather and The Godfather part II. I decided HEY, if I’m watching parts I and II, why not just watch III while I’m at it! And you know what? The Godfather trilogy deserves the top of every list. Holy crap.

Part I. Marlon Brando stars as Don Vito Corleone. O wow. Gotta be one of the most imitated characters ever. With the stuffed cheeks and the voice. The voice hits you. Its so weak that its over powerful. With that airy scratchy kinda quality, It chills you to the bone. Its really great. I’m a big fan! And as Al Pacino brings the character of young Michael Corleone to life, you get drawn into it and you feel like you are actually part of the family. For the length of the movie, I referred to myself as Logan Corleone. Fortunately, I don’t really interact with people, so nobody knew…. But f’real, a great movie. One problem I have with it: some of the blood and special effects are not done so well. HOWEVER [comma] with 23 kills in a 1972 film, it really isn’t very noticable except for one scene. (a guy gets shot in the eye. about two seconds later pink water runs down his face.) But every character made me feel one way or another about them. Sometimes it was “ocrapocrapocrapocrap don’tdie don’tdie ocrapocrapocrap,” and then sometimes it was more of a “HURRY UP AND KILL HIM!!” Truly one of the best movies I have seen. If I made a list, I don’t know if it would be number one, but it would definitely be up there. I actually think my list wouldn’t have a number one. It would start with number 2 and there would be 37 of them. then there would be 23 3’s. and 32 4’s. etcetera. you know. I can’t make decisions. That’s why I bought a book to tell me what movies to watch! mhmm.

Part II. Starring Al Pacino as Don Michael Corleone. Truly fantastic. Brings the family to life like nobody I could think of. If there ever was a typecast role, this would be it. Part II also stars Robert De Niro as a young Vito Corleone. In flashbacks showing Vito’s rise to power in the streets, De Niro made his name, becoming the only American actor to receive an Academy Award (best supporting actor) for a role in which no English was spoken (he spoke fluent Italian the whole time). SO GOOD. Well, I suppose I won’t go into too much detail, simply because it’s pretty much the same thing as Part I, just completely different. Truly a fantastic movie. Truly fantastic. Truly. T. . Really, this is one of those movies I could watch over and over and over and over and over and over and over again untill I stopped watching it. Then I would watch it again. maybe twice…

Part III. Of the three, not the best. This one brings in Andy Garcia to play the role of Vincent Mancini. Still an absolutely GREAT movie. But it’s like putting… hmmm. Let me get a good analogy here real quick……. It’s like comparing oranges to clementines. Yes, oranges are absolutely delicious. Truly a great fruit, but compared to a clementine? COME ON!!! Clementines are so much better than oranges, I don’t care how good oranges are! I LOVE CLEMENTINES! Holy crap I want a clementine. O wow.

Anyway, if you get a chance to watch any of the three, I would highly suggest you take it. I would suggest you start with Part I, then go from there, simply because you can’t just jump in a family all weird like. You have to follow them. Know them from the start. If you don’t watch this movie I might just have to find you and force you to. They’re just that good. Missing them would be like skipping your daughters wedding so you could go to the beach with your mistress while your wife is in the hospital delivering your son. It would just be wrong. Perhaps I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse…


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