Gotta Watch This – Kings Firecrackers

OK So I try to keep vulgarity out of my posts here, but I have to say this. HOLY SHIT! Watch this video, do not turn it off until it is done. I promise you want to watch the whole thing.

Alright. Assuming you’ve watched this at least once, let’s talk about it a bit.
Let us begin. These girls are like, 2 years old. I think I saw one that might have been 15. She stepped on her jump rope and almost squashed a girl after they zoomed in on her. Yea. I know you were watching. Anyway. These walking embryo’s are doing things with jump ropes that I’m pretty sure alien races with extra arms and super powers would be unable to do. Lets be real. That one girl threw her rope into the ceiling, and then caught it and kept going. There is no way a fetus should be able to even breath, more or less do that junk.

Also, speaking of doing that junk, I’m pretty sure I can’t to 98% of that stuff without a rope. I’m pretty sure if I tried more than just jumping rope, I would end up hanging myself with a patriotic themed plastic cord.

Another thing, THEY KEPT GOING. This video is 8 minutes long. Yes, the last 42 seconds are huge navy dudes and a bear cheering like they just saw Hitler and BinLaden shoot each other, but you can also tell that the video started after the performance. Some dude was probably like. “O look at all the tiny little people walking onto the – O MY GOODNESS WHAT ARE THEY DOING I NEED MY CAMERA.” At least that would be my reaction. But for this entire video, they were just bouncing around on every part of their bodies that could hit the floor and kept swinging those fancy America ropes around like John Wayne with a lasso. Speaking of John Wayne, anybody seen the new True Grit? I think The Dude may have trumped The Duke… More on that when I feel more masculine. I’m freaking out over jump ropes right now…

Speaking of that. For the first 3 seconds of the video, all I could think of were jokes about how much the Navy would like jump ropes and little girls. But then I realized what they were doing, and I decided that I would probably react the same way. I laughed out loud home alone in my kitchen. I think I teared up a bit. There’s a small chance my nose may have bled… I’m not quite sure.

OK well, If you cheated and read before you watched, seriously, watch it. It’s time well spent. I’m going to go finish off the way-too-much pasta and alfredo I made last night. Maybe have a beer. omnomnom.



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