Holy Crap

Ok, so I haven’t written for quite a while. There are a few reasons for this. Number one, nobody reads this, so there’s not much motivation. Seriously, if you read this leave a comment. I can almost guarantee that you will be the only one. Even if anybody reads this. Number two, I am becoming lazier by the moment. However, I just hit rock bottom. There is no way I can possibly get any lazier, and I feel bad about myself. So I’ll be writing a bit more. If I feel like it, I’ll look back onto something that I’ve watched in the past few weeks. If not, I’ll just begin anew.

So for now, I’m going to go get something to eat. It’s cold outside, so I’m thinking ramen. Ramen is fairly delicious. Very satisfying, and it fills the hole. Now, there are plenty of foods that I would choose over ramen, but as always, there are plenty of foods that I would choose ramen over. Like Arby’s. I’m not a fan of Arby’s. I had one of their Chicken Cordon Bleu sandwiches, and It was a NOGO!!! Ewww. I had to take it bite by bite, because after every bite, it was a difficulty to suppress the gag reflex. Not a fan. But that’s all for another day. I’m just letting ya’ll know that I am going to start to write again. Starting tonight. After my ramen. I’ll write about one of the 13 TV shows that I’m following. I need a hobby….

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