Archive for spartans at thermopylae

Where did the warm go?

Posted in Rants with tags , , on 21 January 2012 by Logan Beard

So today I did something stupid. So very stupid. I did something called the Polar Plunge at Warren’s Winterfest. Granted, it was for a good cause. Our team, Northwest Savings Bank and Grizzly Gary raised over 4 thousand dollars for the Salvation Army! Good Work! However, We did this by jumping in the water. Outside. In a lake. On January 21st.




To get to the water, the Deep Water Fire and Rescue cut through about 6 inches (actually 6 inches, not what your girlfriend tells you is 6 inches). They used chainsaws to cut through the ice. Our team put on grass hula skirts, coconut bras, and straw hats, and proceeded to run into the water like freaking Braveheart. First of all, let me tell you this: Seeing my father in a hula skirt, not anything I ever need to do again. Ever.

Please don’t underestimate me when I say EVER. blech

Anyway. The water was 32 degrees fahrenheit.  It literally could not have been any colder without being ice. By the time we got out of the water actually, Ice was reforming on the edges. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the water was freezing as we were in it.

Anyway, we all ran into the water like the Persians rushing the wall of Spartans at Thermopylae. This is a fair analogy, I believe. We all raised our metaphorical swords and rushed that water like we were going to ace it. Then, just as the Spartans did, that water raped us. Right up the butt.


Anyway, I ran in the water, dove under there, and swam to the other end of the opening. It was about 25 yards, and it took for freaking ever. FOR FREAKING EVER.

I made it out alive, let a whole bunch of random people take pictures of me, because lets face it, I’m beautiful. But then I got really cold. I can’t feel my fingers or my toes, I’m pretty sure I’m sterile, and I’m not actually sure where parts of my body are.

But I swam in freaking ice water. And I raised a buttload of money for the Salvation Army.

Like a Boss!

This goes on 2 lists of mine. Firstly, it goes on the “Worst decisions of my life” list. More importantly, It goes on my “Times I pretended not to cry” list, along with watching The Notebook, and getting punched by that freakishly strong kid I babysat that one time.

Ladies and Gentleman, I hope to never do that again. Until next year at least. tag along next time?

time to thaw
